
Moira McCumskey Co-Founder/CEO, Lantern Care Services, Crewe, UK

I signed up for Clara’s Leadership coaching during a time when I needed to reassess my leadership style and effectiveness. Clara is a calm and focused coach who works in a structured way. She is results focused and driven to consistently deliver a good outcome for her client. Clara helped me to realize that I can do more than I think I am capable of to make significant changes in my leadership and life - on the basis that I take ownership by putting an action plan in place with clear steps, deadlines, and commit to following it through. Having gone through the coaching, I feel more energised, confident and at ease in leading my team and building my business.

Odunayo Onafuye Odunayo Onafuye

In my 11 years work experience, Clara has been the most impactful coach I have had. Being coached by Clara has impacted me immensely. I was very privileged to have Leadership Coaching sessions with her for a year and my career progression quadrupled during this period. Clara is the textbook definition of an emotional intelligent coach. She is deeply resourceful, wise, knowledgeable and has innate ability to build people.  

Ngao Mutambo HR Business Partnering Coordinator, ZANACO Bank, Lusaka, Zambia

I worked with Clara initially for 6 months to focus on a career transition I was planning. Clara helped me clarify my career goals and supported me in developing a career transition plan. The clarity of her coaching and application of career coaching tools led me to make positive changes in my career direction and gain a new role. As a follow-up I joined her “Success In a New Role” coaching program where she provided coaching on how to plan for my first 100 days in my new role. Her honest feedback helped me develop new insights about myself and how to work with others. This had a real impact in laying the foundation in my new role and also ensured I was clear on what I needed to do and who I needed to be to be successful in this role.