Success in A New Role Coaching

Rediscover yourself; uncover unlimited possibilities

" The beginning is the most important part of any work."

Plato, 4th Century B.C. Greek Philosopher

Whether you have just been newly promoted or are an experienced leaders transitioning into a new role, with different or added responsibilities, different territories, and different teams, your first 100 or so days are crucial to your success.  Your first 100 days defines what will happen next, so creating the right impact in those initial days is essential for your long-term effectiveness. It’s all about establishing credibility, forging new behaviours and expectations that’ll stay with you throughout your career. In fact, it is a very short period in which to make your mark.

Our Success In A New Role Coaching Package ensures you get off to the best possible start – for yourself and for the organisation.

Being clear from the start of what the expectation are and what your vision for the role is critical to success. We will help you answer some of the following questions – What does success in the role look like? What is expected of the me and what are I am expected to achieve? Once this is clear, the skills you need will also become apparent and so, too, any gaps in capability or other personal issues that need to be addressed.

We apply a structured 3 step process that will ensure visible success

Let us support you in your first 100 Days




Through this coaching process, your transition will be accelerated with a comprehensive success strategy and action plan. You will be well placed to take charge, embed a shared purpose, build your team and achieve better results quicker. You will win your stakeholders over. Your personal strategy and action plan will give you clarity, boost your confidence, and direct your focus. You will start and move through your new role with purpose and vision and making immediate impact from the get-go.

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Session to Sessions
Success In A New Role Package
/ 4 Session + Follow Up

Discover your true self and achieve your full potential with confidence. Be comfortable in your own skin.


Experience the success you want and desire in all areas of your life, not just one.


Learn how to harness your authentic self and lead with confidence


If you’re looking for help achieving your goals, contact me today! I would be honoured to work with you.

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