Re Discover Yourself Coaching Package

Rediscover yourself; uncover unlimited possibilities

Do you want to learn more about your personality style and discover better ways to relate to others? Everything you do revolves around relationships with other people. Whether you are on a team, a professional, or a business owner, you deal with people all the time. But, the person you deal with all the time is YOURSELF

The Maxwell DISC Personality assessment will help you:

  • Discover communication style
  • Be understood
  • Discover the communication style of others and how to connect to them
  • Identify your ideal environment where you can bring their best forward
  • Uncover strengths in 7 key areas of influence
  • Know how you can grow into your full potential 

By taking a few minutes to complete your personality profile, you will discover the secret keys to your success

Choose Package

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Package 1
Package 2

Start Your Journey of Self-Discovery

If you’re looking for help achieving your goals, contact me today! I would be honoured to work with you.

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