Leadership Coaching

Rediscover yourself; uncover unlimited possibilities

Perform With Excellence

Get the support you need to expand your leadership skills and excel in your leadership role. 

  • Are you a mid to senior level leader still struggling to find your bearings in leading teams?
  • Are you a leader looking for answers to the following questions:
    • Am I leading my team and organization to its full potential?
    • Does my team know that I have their back?
    • Is my team inspired to perform with purpose and meaning?
    • Will I be able to thrive, not simply survive, during these turbulent times?
    • When it’s time to advance in my career, will I be ready?
    • Have I delivered impressive results?
    • Will I be seen as the obvious choice for the next leadership opening?
  • Are you looking for a Tried, Tested, Transparent, Structured, World-class Proven and Powerful Coaching Process that Guarantees Measurable Leadership Results?


Are you ready to partner with a coach that will help you become the best you can be, and ensure your organization succeeds further and faster than ever before?

Whether you are a high-potential employee, first time manager, mid-level manager, or executive, leadership coaching is an essential, and invaluable, investment in your future. By developing and honing your leadership skills, you unlock more of your potential and set the stage for higher levels of success in your performance and career. Leadership coaching improves self-awareness and drives transformational change to help you reach your next level reality

If this resonates with you, then GLA360 Leadership Coaching is the right approach for you.


Our Process

The leadership coaching process follows a 3-step approach.


What kind of leader you want to be; your unique leadership strengths and style (from your own perspective and team), envision the future you want to create


Identify leadership growth areas, set smart leadership challenges; Design, and implement the leadership development plan.


Receive Feedforward from stakeholders, Act on it, Gain new insights on your growth progress

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Session to Sessions
Leadership Coaching Package 1
3 Months
/4 Session
Leadership Coaching Package 2
6 Months
/7 Session
Leadership Coaching Package 3
9 Months
/10 Session

What to expect from Leadership Coaching

  • Becoming more self-aware of how your Strengths & Values drive behavior
  • Understanding what is impacting your success.
  • Identifying the Leadership development areas through a deep feedback process
  • Creating a leadership development action plan
  • Monitoring progress through stakeholder observations & feed-forward
  • Observable and measurable leadership growth


If you’re looking for help achieving your goals, contact me today! I would be honoured to work with you.

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