Career Coaching

Rediscover yourself; uncover unlimited possibilities

  • Are you at career crossroads?
  • Are you feeling stuck and unhappy in your job yet uncertain about how or where to move to next on your career path?
  • Are you thinking of a career change but feeling stuck and unsure where to start?
  • Are you looking for more meaningfulness in your work – but unsure what this looks like?
  • Are you thinking about transitioning from your current job to starting a business, but you are not sure where to start?
  • Know your job isn’t a good fit for you, but have no idea what you actually want?

Through our Career Coaching Framework, we help you get answers to the questions that apply to you and design a unique plan the enables you follow your dreams and lead the career and live the life you desire.

Our career coaching programme is structured to take you on a journey from knowing where you aren’t happy in your present career and not knowing what your next step might be, through to having a clear vision of a career that is right for you, and a unique plan for how to create it. Between each session you will be given interesting and thought-provoking exercises and tools to use in developing your career clarity plan.

At the end of our sessions, you will achieve the following benefits:

  • Greater self-confidence, flowing from greater self-understanding, enhanced belief in your skills and abilities and knowing what your personality preferences, strengths and abilities are
  • A clear direction for your future career path
  • Improved career decision-making skills
Our Process

Career Coaching Process


In this first stage of the process, we uncover what really matters to you in your work. We’ll unpick what is and isn’t currently working for you and identify your values, strengths and passions to build up a really clear picture of what you need from your next career move.


This is the creative part where possibilities are generated, and you get a taste of what your future may look like. During this part of the process, we generate a range of potential career options for you to research further. You’ll explore the pros and cons and reflect on the day-to-day reality of pursuing these opportunities. We’ll then filter these down to those that offer you the best possible fit.


This is where the focus happens, and we consider how you can bridge the gap between where you are now and where you would like to be. With a clear sense of direction about your next career move, knowing exactly what you want, we set about creating a bespoke action plan for getting you there with detailed steps for your next 6 months to work towards.

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Session to Sessions
Career Coaching Package
6 Months
/7 Session

This is For Professional who:

  • Are curious and intentional about their profession growth
  • Have invested significant time and money in their current profession & have achieved incredible success, but now find themselves unfulfilled and out of alignment.
  • Desire to make a career transition into a new industry or field
  • Are ready to go through a process of inner self discovery to uncover their gifts, passion, strengths and values so they can align all of those aspects with their careers. 
  • Lack clarity on how to build a fulfilling & impactful career. 
  • Feel stuck & stagnant but are unsure of the ideal career path for them and how to make the transition without losing their financial security
  • Are ready to make the Big Leap to finally achieve their own definition of success and do away with the external factors that negatively impact the happiness they desire to have in their life and career. 

This is not for :

  • People who value the opinions of others over their own happiness and dreams. 
  • People who are satisfied with mediocrity or being out of alignment for the rest of their lives. 
  • People who comfortable playing small & have a fear of communicating their strengths to others. 
  • People who are unwilling to be coached and are not ready to do the internal work to uncover their natural gifts, skills, talents and strengths. 
  • People who are not open to new ideas and strategies or lack ambition to make the necessary changes to achieve meaning and have impact.
  • Procrastinators with a track record of not following actions through.
  • People who are not willing to make an investment in their future


If you’re looking for help achieving your goals, contact me today! I would be honoured to work with you.

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